All Souls Day. Hereafter. Clips & lines

Dr. Rousseau: You know, as a scientist and atheist my mind was closed to such things. Oh, absolutely. Afterlife, near-death experiences Like everyone else, I thought people saw bright lights, Eden-like gardens and so forth because they were culturally conditioned to do so. But after 25 years in a hospice working with people, many of whom were pronounced dead but then miraculously survived. the account of what they actually experienced were so strikingly similar it couldn’t just be coincidence. And add to that the fact that when they had these experiences they were almost all unconscious, a state in which my enemies agree the brain cannot create fresh images.

Marie Lelay: So you think I really did experience something?

Dr. Rousseau: Oh, yes. I think you experienced death.


a film by Clint Eastwood. An ambiguous, ambivalent, open-ended  take on what happens after death. Matt Damon plays a blue collar construction worker and    … a reluctant, very unwilling “psychic-medium” hounded by individuals who have lost loved ones — but he shuts the  door,  refuses to do any more readings.  a child who lost his twin brother persists.